Scouts on Stamps: A Checklist is a listing by country and date of issue of all Scouts on Stamps. The checklist starts in 1900 and carries through the issues of 2000 and is listed by country of issue. Yearly supplements were available to keep the book current. The annual supplement for 2000 issues was the last produced. This catalogue is printed on white loose leaf paper for storage in a 5.5" x 8.5" size labeled blue binder. The checklist was printed in this manner to permit annual supplements of revisions, new issues and additions to the list discovered during the previous year.
The checklist preface contains a significant amount of useful information, including a roster of Scouting personalities on stamps, listing of World Jamborees, terms used in stamp collecting. Unique to this volume is a comparison of national Scouting movements to the national UPU status and the year of the first Scout stamp issued.
The North American version employs the Scott Catalogue numbers. Each entry is arranged by country of issue. An example page is shown below. Click for a full size view.

All Cinderella issues are listed separately as an addendum to the main list on pink color pages. Also included are Russian Cinderella Issues (white pages), Local Post (grey pages), Brigades (blue pages), and Pioneers (green pages). The addendum for Postal Stationary (amber pages) includes issues if it has engraved (indicia) postage. Fakes are not listed, nor are Errors, Freaks, and Oddities or St. George on Stamps, which have separate checklists available for purchase.
Paul Toneman is deceased, and his work is a tribute to his dedication to philately and Scouting.
The book is available online for SOSSI members only:
SCOUT92, an early version of the list from December 1991.
Scouts on Stamps: A Checklist, the final version of 500 pages.
SOSSI Journal, Volume 42, Number 3, March 1993